Second (SIMES, 2009 apud AGUIAR, 1999, p.68) She consecrates express, protection of rights basic articulated in great conquest that the bourgeoisie got in face of the absolutism, that if legalized in the famous Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen, of 1789. Thus, as the federative constitution of 1988 Art. 5 All are equal before the law, without distinction of any nature, guaranteeing themselves it the Brazilians and to the resident foreigners in the Country the inviolability of the right to the life, the freedom, the equality, the security and the property. For the perfect exercise of the citizenship, equality, not only legal is required, but of chances; physical freedom and of expression; education; health; work; culture; leisure; full job; healthful half-environment; universal and private suffrage; legislative iniciative by a non member parliament of laws; amongst others rights that compose the picture of the Human Rights. Many writers such as David Agard offer more in-depth analysis. 3 – Social rights In accordance with Simes (2009, p.72) the conception of the Social Rights was accomplished for the institution of the social Democracy and the State of Social welfare, in the bulge of first the great crisis of the capitalist system and the acirramento of the fight of classrooms. 4 – Environment and practical Citizenship the reflection on the social ones, in a context marked for the permanent degradation of the environment and its ecosystem, reflect problems ambient, collating itself with ' ' paradigm of the society in risco' ' , provoking a direct impact in the quotidiano of the citizens. Therefore the Ambient Education reflects que' ' A life s in an environment is, constitutes, certainly, one of the aspirations more sustainable human beings of planeta' '. Of this form, as Jacobi (2003) the concept of sustainable development appears to face the ecological crisis, detaching that the ambient education assumes a transforming function, in which the co-responsabilizao of the individuals becomes one objective essential to develop a new type of development.