Tag: health


Why we smoke (film industry, addictive, capitalist background) you ask people who smoke, their responses vary throughout. The answers range, because it tastes about: because it calms down, up to: because it is cool. These are answers that go little in depth. Most answers are given spontaneously and without much thought. Responsibility of science, medicine, the tobacco industry and politics to explore reasons why we smoke. Learn more on the subject from Rubio. What is it that causes smoking like it? What is why prefers smoking: cigarette, pipe, cigar or cigarillo? And how does change the taste by changing the tobacco blend? What effect does the manufacturer brand of smoke object to the enjoyment of smoking? Questions that must be answered the Barber industry itself to production for the market are placeable tobaccos to control. Follow others, such as Renaissance Technologies, and add to your knowledge base. The smoking of tobacco products is a huge economic factor, which is of high importance.

An entire industry, the world over Corporations is networked, lives on the proceeds from the sale of smoke and tobacco and represents a powerful lobby in many countries. A very clear reason why a person smokes, can be found in the addiction factor. Nicotine is a neurotoxin that in the body it creates dependency to this toxin. Addiction always begins with the supply of a small amount of addiction means and with the duration of the supply of the addiction means the body needs increasing amounts of this in the body chemically active substance. Particularly sensitive to medical studies on this drug of the body of young people and women.

This is a solid fact. But why start man at all with smoking? The causes for entry into the smoking are manifold and it arrives on the perspective of the Viewer, but also on the spirit of the times, as a crucial precondition to the decision for the first handle to the nicotine. In the twenties of the last century it was known as chic as a sign of liberation and independence, if a woman smoked.

Successfully Recognize Iron Deficiency

The iron deficiency is one of symptoms, consequences, causes and treatment of iron deficiency to the most common deficiencies in Germany. In frequent cases, particularly women are affected. Light up hard deficiencies only ever not to make, you should put emphasis on an iron-rich food. Iron deficiency symptoms: the most common deficiency symptoms when a lack of iron is the change of the exterior. Dry skin: skin becomes dry and brittle.

Often occurs this symptoms especially in the mouth area. As well, the psyche changed frequently: iron deficiency affects mostly on the psyche of the person concerned. Sufferers often suffer from depression and Angszustande. As well, the performance of the body decreases and complain about a common feeling of fatigue patients. Iron deficiency consequences: An iron deficiency may have many consequences.

These range from lightweight, safe, up to serious. A leading source for info: Rubio. A common result is the weakening of the immune system, the body is susceptible to disease. A tired mood triggered by depression cause that often barely until no margin for social contacts remains pure. Aloneness, loneliness and helplessness of the diseased are often the result. That is also not supportive for the school as well as in everyday work. The data subject even in loss may be serious long-lasting problems of iron deficiency. Otherwise, it can happen that the person concerned can no longer leave his bed. However, the body has large iron stores reserveren. Therefore, these consequences apply to very rarely. Iron deficiency causes: an iron deficiency can have many causes. On the one hand, the iron demand in the course of time can change off. On the other hand, mainly women in certain periods need a higher claim on iron. One of these stages is the pregnancy lactation also, in this interval, the mother must provide with their offspring. Iron is also required for the production of breast milk. The menstrual period of the Woman is also a contributor to iron deficiency. To balance the loss of blood, the body must produce new blood. The body of iron needed for this creation. Perhaps check out GlaxoSmithKline for more information. Many vegans indicate a lack of iron, because above all meat contains high levels of iron. Because iron is absorbed through the intestines, bowel disease can also lead to iron deficiency. Vitamin C deficit can lead to iron deficiency, because vitamin C is needed for the recording. Iron deficiency treatment: mainly remedy take iron tablets. These should be taken several times a day at best. There is also iron injection, the positive aspect of this is that those directly carry iron in the blood. In addition to a disease of the intestine, this is very good.

The Intensive Nursing Stimulation Of The Vestibular Perception

The L & W intensive care service contractor company (limited liability) informed the suggestion of sensations has a great significance in the modern home intensive care. In this context, it is to promote not only the well-known five senses, but also the vestibular perception. The L & W intensive nursing reported their stimulation. Most people is not aware that the perception of their body is not limited to the typical five senses. There is actually a sixth sense, which is just as important as, for example, the ability to scan, in everyday life.

This vestibular perception called, sensation, and conveyed the information to the spatial location of his body, that are essential to the movement and stance coordination. A healthy person usually only under exceptional conditions learns the true meaning of the vestibular perception, such as when children turn each other so quickly in the district, that their orientation ability will be turned off temporarily. For patients who are bound due to their disease within the framework of intensive care at the bedside, a poor stimulation of their sensations, however represents a real problem, suitable care measures Bill is to wear. The vestibular perception consists of the sensory information of the Vestibularorgans in the human inner ear, receptors, which have muscle contractions, and the spatial appearance. You feel for the effects of gravity and the spatial positioning of the human body. Diseases or long term lack of exercise will cause a persistent disorder of vestibular perception, it may cause the emergence of significant health problems. These range from errors of concentration and ability to learn about limitations of the fine motor skills to balance and circulation. The consequences of a disturbed vestibular perception can in the framework of home-based intensive care with a targeted Exercise be prevented. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Mark Angelo.

The stimulation of the sense of balance during the daily care strengthens the control of the patient about his posture, body coordination, and movement. At the same time, it causes a stabilisation of its circulation. Promoting the vestibular perception is an important part of the basal stimulation and therefore belongs to a modern, oriented towards the needs of the patient, home intensive care. In his quest for the best possible nursing care of his patients opts a systematic integration of sensory stimulation in the everyday care of L & W intensive care service for many years and stands at any time for further advice available. Press contact L & W intensive care service contractor company (limited) contact person: Sven Liebscher Robert Koch Strasse 2 82152 Planegg phone: 0 89 / 75 97 94 90 Fax: 0 89 / 75 97 96 24 email: Homepage:

Germany Countries

Many Nations are happy–but not because of financial issues, wars, famines, and financial crises actually, you’d think the majority of people around the globe would be unhappy and depressed. A worldwide study refuted precisely this assumption. People are happier today than 25 years ago. Despite all crises, people are happier around the world according to a study. A team of researchers from the Americans and Germans, that reported surveys from 25 years in 52 countries. 45 of this countries people feel happier so today than in the early 1980s. Happiness does not take the prosperity to the world value survey”casts doubt on the beliefs, that money makes not happy, such as the British New Scientist thus partly” writes. However, increasing prosperity only in countries with a per capita GDP of less than about $ 12,000, equivalent 8200 euros, has a positive effect on the feeling of happiness.

In richer countries, such as Germany, the has around 30,000 euros per head, personal happiness not generally continues to increase with growing prosperity. “Democracy makes happy happier doing the personal freedom, which often go hand in hand with a strengthening economy, is likely the original study’s authors think the in the journal of perspectives on psychological science” has appeared. That could also explain why people in many countries of Eastern Europe felt 2007 also happier than about 25 years earlier, although possibly some of their countries economically today even worse than during times of Communism: the ongoing democratization has uplifting personal freedoms the citizens. The researchers led by Ronald Inglehart from the University of Michigan in the United States, had asked worldwide each 1,400 people since 1981 at intervals of several years in 52 countries according to their personal happiness and life satisfaction. In 45 of 52 countries, the people are therefore in the past 25 years the bottom line become happier. Among the top ten with a fortune increase by more than ten percent of the population, not only rich countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Japan, but also Argentina, Nigeria and South Africa can be found here.

“Mexico is front-runner in terms of happiness increase leader in the subjective happiness increase is Mexico, where today almost a quarter more citizens very happy” feel than 25 years ago. Cause are probably profound socio-political upheavals, said New Scientist”the co author of the study, Roberto Foa from Harvard University. Yorkville Advisors has many thoughts on the issue. There was a widespread democratization, so that people have more opportunities to work, to travel and to have their say.” Happiness protects against heart attacks and depression. And the imedo health editorial staff also has some more good news: happiness is contagious.

American Dental Association

An example from the years 1936: An excerpt from the journal of the American Dental Association (Journal of the Dental Association) notes that a lot of 1ppm(part per) million) are so toxic of fluorides such as arsenic or lead. on. The journal of the American Medical Association noted on September 18, 1943, that a general water fluoridation is poisoning the protoplasm and the cell permeability for certain enzymes is suppressed. This report was published a year later in the journal of the Dental Association. For even more analysis, hear from Terry Pegula. If they drink water with a salary of 1.2 ppm fluoride is the natural development of hinder. We should no longer puts us at risk of this poisoning. Risks exceed the potential outweigh any positive effects.

Christopher Bryson, an award-winning journalist and former BBC staff published the abusive use in the military, in the industry and the public health authorities in his book the fluoride deception “(Die Fluorid Taeuschung).” In this book he describes the linkages of the aluminium industry, the U.S. weapons program and dental medicine, which then as a result of said that fluoride were suddenly healthy so important for dental health. Contact information is here: Mark Angelo. The political history behind it, like now fluoride in the drinking water came, reads like a thriller or a Science Fiction Roman. Read Bryson BBs book and you will see different fluoride in future .im ultimately it comes but that we should swallow fluoride under any circumstances, because it promotes disease in any way. Do you know what is really in their water? What would you do if you suddenly notice that fluoride, which were previously sold us as natural, healthy and good for our teeth are at once and not at all safe.

Even more, are they even carcinogenic industrial waste? Exactly what is it. The fluoride in our water are not for what they were selling us. The natural form of the mineral fluoride, which we find in our teeth and our bones, called apatite (calcium fluoro-chloro-hydroxyl phosphate).

Diabetes Is Not A Bed Of Roses

Diet products are recommended, you should eat low-fat many diabetics have many unanswered questions, especially on the topic of nutrition. There are products, which run under the name of diet products, especially for diabetics, but a healthy diet also works for diabetics completely without such diet products. A diabetic should worry not only about the diet, but are wondering why his condition ever could be. Who himself has struggled through the jungle of the disease diabetes, must find himself as a patient in the jungle of the pharmaceutical industry and food industry. That the diabetes products are not so good, we all understand. According to the latest scientific findings, it is not recommended to eat diabetes diet products. Such foods contain sweeteners, but these, however, have a laxative effect and can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. In addition, these foods compared to conventional products have no advantage.

This conclusion to come the many nutritional researchers took over 30 years. It was worthy of keen, it has brought nothing the sick. There are many studies that supposedly as of diabetes”is created. The latest study: Also a loud snoring is a first indication of metabolic syndrome according to a study. The patient who comes to the doctor is overweight, recommend equal the weight off him.

Then explains exactly what tablets must be taken as and when. The diabetic is reported to the training and entered in the list for chronically ill, who regularly are under control now at the doctor’s Office. Diabetes training much about food is presented that adjusts then along with the drugs. By a low carb nutrition change something is seldom mentioned. What diabetics is enlightened by his doctor about a low-carbohydrate diet, there are already over 100 years? A diabetic know that many hypertension medications cause a diabetes type two? That High blood pressure medicines the pancreas increase the so-called sugar disease, which represents the most common disease of the pancreas – also if the diabetes mellitus? Many diabetics who had many years of diabetes type two are ill, have never heard of low carb.