Tag: education

School And Democracy

This article of the book School and Democracy of Dermeval Saviani, searchs to clarify the process of the education and the form of the relation between education and the society in elapsing of the times being enclosed the theories in diverse historical contexts. If you are not convinced, visit Sen. Marco Rubio. The author distinguished for its analysis from the problems and prerogatives from the questions raised on the theories from the education. Get more background information with materials from Yorkville Advisors. He points the school as a critical reflection ahead of a context politician, democratic and social. However, not so different of the reality, in showing logical, social and historical necessity of the education, whereas the capitalist school masks the evidences of what it is unaware of that could be one of the factors of the marginality. Words? Keys: Politics, education, society, marginality. This article and the book School of Democracy Dermeval Saviani, seeks you clarify the process of education and how the relationship between education and society throughout the you act including the theories in different historical contexts. Author The distinguished will be his analysis of problems and prerogatives of the questions raised about the theories of education.

Points you the school the critical a reflection on the social political, democratic and. But not only different from reality, you the logical show necessity, social and historical education while the school capitalist mask the evidence of what may be unaware that one of the factors of marginality. Key? words: Policy, education, society, marginality. INTRODUCTION This article of the book School and Democracy of Dermeval Saviani looks for of a critical form to make clarifications of the real situation of the education, as a social problem and enclosing all the social spheres, however the theories supposedly cited in the book are considerably essential inside of a society that it aims at to look at the education not as a simple object, but as a citizen that it needs to be studied of a favorable form against the marginality.

Bill Momentum

Here is the second article about life lessons, which deals with the momentum; Why should we have it, and never lose it. The text where I base was in English, and in the said text named him momentum, so the more accurate translation in Spanish that I found for this word was momentum which refers to energy and effectiveness with which it plays something, or could also be understood as the motivation or the passion that drives you to do something. SECOND life lesson: Never lost momentum. To begin with, I tell them the story of Bill Levitt, a pioneer in the construction industry, who became rich after having built suburbs on Long Island, New York, but who then lost his fortune. One day at a party, Donald Trump, who at that time was in its heyday as a property developer and investor real estate, he saw Bill sitting and approached him thinking that you might need a friend to talk.When asked what had last, this replied I lost my momentum. Bill sold his business for hundreds of millions of dollars, bought a yacht and a house in the South of France and withdrew. Years later, became bored and buy back its business, but this went down.

His business had changed, times had changed, but he remained the same. At that time, flips to see Donald and tells you not lose your momentum. Years later, Donald was invited to a dinner, but as I was exhausted and cranky all day, be discussing with bankers didn’t want to go. Donald recalled the words of Bill and instead of staying to rest that night, got his suit and attended the dinner. He was surprised to see that one of the bankers that was fighting all day, was sitting at his side. That night they resolved all their differences and emerged a new deal, which would have failed if Donald would not have taken the Council’s Bill, and had stayed at home to rest.


The death of a loved one is a hard trance before which there is no uniform reaction. There are those who act as if nothing had happened and who settles for a long time in an acute phase of depression. 1 Delayed duel has the typical features of normal grief, but not usually starts after the death, but a time elapsed. Generally, between 2-3 weeks and, occasionally, several months. 2 Duel absent the emotional reaction is not displayed and the ailing alleged acts as if nothing had happened. 3.

Chronic duel is installed in the most acute phase of the duel and sample years anxious, depressive symptoms and a continual and obsessive concern about the figure of the deceased. Actually, it could be a pathological form of complicated grief. 4 Duel inhibited when there is inability to clearly express the regret on the loss by personal or social limitations. It is often accompanied by withdrawal, obsessive dedication to the attention to third parties, etc. 5.

Duel is over-ruled when the environment that surrounds us does not accept the duel. It is the case of widowers/over that as the family, after a few months of the death of the spouse, the family reproaches to follow in mourning for the death of one older person is something normal. When mourning become pathological? There are circumstances that can convert the mourning process in pathological, atypical, anomalous. Death sudden and unexpected; the relationship of dependence on the deceased person or the absence of family support can be causes of a reaction can be some of the causes. To overcome the grief you must live it. But we refuse to enter in any of its phases, if we reprimimos painful emotions, may cause pathological symptoms, related to the need to remain attached to the absent. Here are some of the symptoms: feelings of guilt for not having done as possible to avoid death, had not been sufficiently diligent or affectionate with the deceased. Thoughts of death. The living should have disappeared along with the deceased, or even have died instead. Feelings of worthlessness. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Mark Angelo Yorkville Advisors on most websites. No longer makes sense, without the deceased life lacks interest, without him or she nothing is equal, we will not be able to cope with life. Hallucinatory experiences. Hear the voice of the deceased or briefly see his picture. Confusion. Psychomotor slowness and deterioration of some organic functions. When symptoms of pathological bereavement, you should go to the doctor. And, if necessary, a psychologist.