So-called short URL s are primarily used in microblogging services such as Twitter. But in the Web 2.0 portals is because of the limited input options for status messages with shortened URL s., and are the most popular URL Shortener. Shortened links have two major drawbacks, it is not entirely clear whether these links contribute to the improved link popularity of a website talk by Google real backlinks are seen as the linking page about inherited their PageRank. And the life of this and all other services that keep coming up in the net, is not certain. This means that links is known for always staying at the network, will disappear if these services disappear from the scene.
In the meantime, Google has its own URL shorter – The Google shorter offers obviously four significant advantages compared to the conventional left Shorteners: longevity of links. Google seems prepared best against all crises of this world to be. Therefore, it will be Google expected to be long and the shortened links are likely to remain as valid indefinitely. Probably Google sees the even shorter links than real backlinks, because the benefits of short URLs is now an important part of Web 2.0. A link for search engines considered a recommendation and guide to the content.
Since this kind of URL outside more and more use of Twitter, search engines can no longer ignore these URLs. The URL’s are currently still very short maximum 18-20 characters. And, the Google URL shorter was one click statistics you can use to track very well the click behavior (Twitter) visitors a downer there but also to the Google URL-shortened story: Google has made a further outlet for information which directly information about user behavior is delivered and probably saved by Google. Also the offers a very interesting service. This shortened URL’s can be back in the original, long URL’s turn back. There is information on the topic of search engine optimization here:
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