Reading With Bean

Making Reading a Positive Experience


Little it can become for prepares to the children before the so devastating news for them as it can be the rupture of parents. The same separation or divorce is unexpected events for the pair, that in spite of noticing a deterioration in its relation always hopes that of some form that dynamics changes and everything is fixed, until arrived a point it is demonstrated like an impossible one. In many cases trims in their own pain and discouragement by the failure their relation, the parents are not able to notice the sadness of their children before the new life who are to initiate. Although the same is inevitable, yes it is possible ancestors to try them to connect emotionally with his small ones and to facilitate his passage by the pain, so that their impact is minimum. What is necessary to try to pass on to them to the small ones in this ” period oscuro”? Besides causing that the children remember always who their parents are going to be there, he happens what happens, is precise that these are conscious that the loss is a part of the life, that is something inevitable and the unique one alternative is to control to her and to confront the future with a smile.

In any case, if the children warn how, in spite of the happened thing, both ancestors are there for them; gradually that pain and that feeling of loss will be mitigated, and that will arrive a little while in will accept with total naturalness and without reserves that new situation. But for it you must include/understand, first of all, the multiple losses that a married rupture for a small one supposes: – First of all, the boy is itself exposed a smaller coexistence with both ancestors. No longer it will be able to resort at any time to both and probably their contacts with some of them are reduced to the regime of visits fixed (Except in the cases of shared safekeeping). – On the other hand, the spacing with respect to certain relatives could take place. Indeed, the boy could end up missing to his uncles, cousins and, especially, to his grandparents. – A change in the residence of some of the ancestors Could even take place, who motivated to his time a change of educative center, with the consequent necessity for the boy to make new friendly, indeed in a while of its life of special timidity and retirement as a result of the rupture of its parents. To diminish and to even avoid all these signals of loss will be in your hands and those of your ex- pair. They are as they would be the reasons that took to you to materialize your separation or divorce, you deal with which it does not affect more of the necessary thing your small ones.

You consider that is weakest and who, therefore, could more undergo the effects of your rupture. You try to include its feelings and you listen to its doubts, their complaints and their restlessness. It will help them enormously.

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