ARBITRATION CLASSES The arbitration is of diverse classes between which we can mention the following: National arbitration and arbitration the International, arbitration of fairness and arbitration of right, ad hoc arbitration and institutional arbitration, Voluntary arbitration and Unavoidable Arbitration. National arbitration and international arbitration. The national arbitration is when all the by arbitration procedure like their effects are carried out in a single State. According to article 91 of the General Law of Arbitration an arbitration is international if: 1) The parts of a by arbitration agreement have, at the time of the celebration of the agreement, their addresses in different States.
2) One of the following places is located outside the State in which the parts have their addresses: a) The place of the arbitration, if this one has been determined in the by arbitration agreement or in accordance with the by arbitration agreement. b) The place of the fulfillment of one leaves from the obligations of the legal relation or the place substantial with which the object of the litigation has a relation but it narrows. For the purposes of this article if some of the parts has but of an address, the address will be the one that has a relation but it narrows with the by arbitration agreement; if a part does not have any address, its habitual residence will be taken into account. The General Law of Arbitration is divided in two sections that are the following: Section First that the National Arbitration regulates (article 1 to the 87), and Section Second that the international arbitration regulates (article 88 to the 131). Arbitration of fairness or of brings back to consciousness and right arbitration. The fairness arbitration is characterized so that it is solved according to his knowledge and loyal to know and to understand. The arbitration is of right when the referees solve the question controverted in accordance with the applicable right.